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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Mark Pemburn BUG in Chat Room?? (20) RE: BUG in Chat Room?? 20 Sep 97

Me again,

Just tried another experiment (this is what a programmer does in his spare time -- disgusting, eh?).

I went to the chat and yodeled at the bartender for a while, then went to another page. The memory and CPU went usage went crazy as usual, but this time I looked at the TCP/IP traffic on the Dial-up monitor and saw that there was nothing coming in or going out. So all the action was local to my machine.

I went *back* to the page (i.e, using the Back button) and saw the message "Connection lost. Reload page to reconnect" scrolling endlessly -- and in rhythm with the memory/CPU usage cycles (as a music chat, at least it should have rhythm ;-) Reloading did not fix the problem. I had to shut Netscape down.



(P.S., I hope that this is not the wrong place to put such info . . .)

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