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Reiver 2 Lyr: Farewell to Rhondha / Farewell to the Rhondda (53* d) RE: Lyr: Farewell to Rhondha / Farewell to the Rhondda 12 Oct 04

I had an email back from John yesterday, as follows: "Hi Bryce, you are correct about the pronounciation, (dd pronounced as th - BB) but typically, the South Walians use both ways of saying the town. Mufflers and especially flat or "Dai" caps were and still are the most common dress for working men in S Wales, but yes it is cold!" (I'd asked if it was so cold in the mines that miners typically wore mufflers and caps while working.) Thanks for the tips on Welsh music sites, Chris! I can give you more information on the Ocean's Apart CD if you tell me what info. you want. I thought about posting the whole review of it that I mentioned above, but it's pretty long. The thread on The Man From Tralee also deals with a song from that CD.

Reiver 2

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