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Reiver 2 Tune: Cigarettes and Whisky and Wild Wild Women (60* d) RE: Tune: Cigarettes and Whisky and Wild Wild Women 17 Oct 04

Thanks, Jim Dixon. That's the very same recording I learned the song from. I was thinking it was by Lonzo and Oscar, but no, it was Homer and Jethro. I had a big collection of old 78 rpm records but when my then wife and I moved to Canada in 1968, I was afraid that many of them wouldn't survive the move. So she and I spent I don't know how many nights after the kide were in bed, sitting on the livingroom floor and playing all the 78 records, one after another, on a little portable record player and recording them with a hand held microphone onto a reel-to-reel tape recorder. I still have all the reel-to-reel tapes but the tape recorder is now defunct so I have no way of playing the tapes. Darn!

Reiver 2

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