As usual GUEST you are the liar. 1. When I was drafted into the Marine Corps in 67 we were instructed to register with our local Home of Record states, and I first voted in the '68 elections. And I was not unhappy with my choice when Nixon pulled the Marines out in 1970 as I was finishing up my tour there. Later, after the Saturday Night Massacre in 72, I felt Nixon had to go. It is true that military personnel are warned about engaging in political activety, especially in uniform, but to this day they are encouraged to vote, and for no particular candidate. My experience has been that those in the military tend to vote akin to the region they enlisted from, with say New Yorkers and blacks voting Democratic and Westerners and Southerners voting Republican. And while my state of West Viginia has only voted Republican in the 2000 election, I do see it repeating again this year. I also know of no former Marine who is voting for Kerry, though that may be a selective memory 2. As I related in a thread of a couple of years ago, a couple of hippies did spit on me in my Marine Corps uniform outside the Oakland Shipyard as I was trying to hail a cab to go to my aunts, who lived in the Berkeley Hills. I was arrested for beating them both with a section of rebar, after they also tried to rob me of my seabag, though the the cop, who was a former Marine, let me go at the bus stop on Ashby Ave. 3. While both sides could be chasened with the "big lie syndrome", Kerry's attempt at invoking the possiblity of a draft strikes me as one of his more foolish attempts. 4. As I have stated in earlier threads, I know of no former Officer of Marines who would stoop so low as to accept the medals Kerry so flagrently sought, in the conditions described. 5. Carol C, you have played at O'Hurleys with the wife of one of the speakers in the Stolen Honor documentary; Judy Warner, whose husband, Jim Warner was the one who talked about them rebreaking his leg during one of those interrogations. She used to play a recorder with the Mt. Airy crowd who came with Rock and Candy. And I had linked the website a couple of months back in a thread about an October Suprise. 6. As a 60% disabled vet I have to say my VA medical care is superlative, far better then either of the local civilian hospitals. Several years ago, when I had my heart attack, I was released from the VA in Marinsburg, WV, after a series of surgeries there and in Washington DC, after simply signing my name, with no additional costs, period. 7. And GUEST, for one who provides no surname for "Guest", you are the last person to talk to any in-country Vietnam Vet about guts, which you clearly know nothing about, and possess no capacity to demonstrate...