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GUEST,Barrie Roberts Halloween Songs [1] (258* d) RE: halloween songs 01 Nov 04

Sorry to be a bit late, but I've been out trick or treating.
What about this Glasgow street song:

There is a happy land, down in Duke Street Jail,
Where all the prisoners stand, taied to a nail,
Bread and jam they never see, dirty water for their tea,
There they live and there they dee, God Save the Queen!

Glasgow Corporation has got a splendid plan,
To build a block of tenements upon the Happy Land,
But there's sixteen murderers buried there, so watch yourself coming doon the stair,
Or a hand'll come oot and grab your hair! God Save the Queen!

Sung to the hymn tune 'There Is A Happy Land'. The ghostly second verse was added when there really was a plan to tear the old jail down and build flats on it.

If you want something a bit dramatic, what about 'The Ghosts' High Noon' from 'Ruddigore. Get somebody with a really narsty laugh doing that and there won't be a dry seat in the house.

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