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GUEST,Barrie Roberts Lyr Req: Dundee Ghost (Matt McGinn) (10) Lyr Add: THE DUNDEE GHOST (Matt McGinn) 02 Nov 04

I thought it was called 'The Dundee Ghost', but here goes?
Oh, a deid man seldom walks,
He very rarely talks,
Its no' very often you'll see them running around',
But I am a refugee
Fra' a graveyard in Dundee,
And I've come tae haunt some hooses in Glescae Too, oo, oo, oon,
I've come tae haunt some hooses in Glescae Toon.

Noo, the reasion I arose
Was tae get myself some clothes,
For it gets one hell of a cauld below the ground,
But I whispered tae mysel'
'Jock, you might as well'
Hang about for a while and hae some fyn'.

Noo a mab pit oot his light,
One cauld and wintery night,
I showed him one my eyes and slapped his heid,
He said 'Ooh!'and I said 'Booh!'
And he said 'Who the hell are you?'
I said, 'Don't be feart, I'm only a man that's deid'.

Well, the fella knelt and prayed,
And this was what he said,
'Why in the name of God have ye' picked on me?'
So I pulled away his rug
And I skelped him oor the lug,
'The reason' I said, 'is just to let you see'.

So he called a polisman in,
I battered him on the chin,
The polisman turned aroon' and he blamed my friend.
He marched him tae the jail
And he'll be in there a hell of a while,
But I'll see naebody rents his single end.


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