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Ooh-Aah2 BS: America commits war crimes. (165* d) RE: BS: America commits war crimes. 17 Nov 04

A very good point Dianavan. The yanks did fine when they hid in trenches, behind walls and swamps and up trees with their squirrel guns, and when the French navy helped them out; a shame that the 'freedom' they go on and on about didn't include native peoples and blacks, whom the wicked ol' British emancipated years earlier than they did, and without a major civil war; pretty first rate I would say.

With regard to the Falluja incident, I'm afraid my first reaction was 'who gives a shit?' This was because I had just heard that Margaret Hassan had been shot through the head in cold blood. I am passionately anti-war and despise Bush and his lot who bear the responsibility for it, so this reaction of mine shocked me and (to me)is indicative of the depths to which the world seems to be sliding.

Even more scary is that my cooler judgemnt is still 'who gives a shit'. I can't really work up real indignation about it. It says something for the absolute depravity of the insurgents when I can see the point of view of triggy-happy American macho men.

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