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Ooh-Aah2 Obit: More Muslim intolerance? (589* d) RE: Obit: More Muslim intolerence? 19 Nov 04

If there is one way of turning an adult argument into an infantile shouting match, Carol C, it is to accuse someone you know zilch about of being a racist bigot. I know sensible people are in a huge minority in the USA, but the pressure you are under from your own racists does not excuse you from a certain bigoted hysteria of your own. You know nothing about my views on race (a massive non-sequitur because we are discusssing a religion anyway) beside the fact that I have a mysterious dislike for a savage medieval creed which regards violence against unarmed and helpless people as either being (1) noble (2) acceptable, because they are only infidels (3) sad, but not worth protesting loudly about because the perpetrators are brother Muslims and 'Islam is under attack from the West'. I fail to see what the cruelties of other religions at other times and in other places has got to do with the rather large problems presented by Muslim loonies now. If I lived in the 12th century my views on Christianity would be identical. The clear point is that through various historical processes some religions have stopped being such savage fools, and we are left with Islam, who is still at a stage similar to Christianity before it had its teeth drawn by the Enlightenment - that is, thinking that religion is important enough to kill for.

that treats women like mud (and responds to criticism by stating 'our women LIKE being treated like mud', and even worse, brainwashing its women to say 'actually I like being treated like mud') and is somehow the only one which proudly boasts of its terrorist crimes and as others have pointed out,

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