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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Ooh-Aah2 Obit: More Muslim intolerance? (589* d) RE: Obit: More Muslim intolerence? 30 Nov 04

I don't know if there's an internet equivalent of verbal diahorrea, but if there is Carol C has got it bad! The rest of us give up not because we are convinced by her arguments, which are wishful-thinking and blinkered in the extreme, but because we don't wish to spend the rest of our lives staring into a screen. (Stand by for a lengthy missive full of cut and pastes 'proving' that I did/didn't say this that or the other, and using the word 'bigot' at least twice).

Now I'll make my bigoted way off to a meeting of the Australia-Tibet council, being sure to insult any Muslims I see on the way. Whoops! I support a universal franchise, women's rights, religious freedom, free speech, free dress, sexual choice and gay liberation, so I guess I've already pissed off most of them! What a funny old bigot I am!

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