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Ooh-Aah2 BS: decadence and religious intolerance (45) RE: BS: decadence and religious intolerance 15 Dec 04

Let's not forget that the idea the Roman Empire fell because it was 'decadent' is a bit of ancient Xstian propaganda. Rome had lax sexual morals (yay!) and massive parties (huzzah!) for centuries before it went under. Embarrassingly for Christianity this happened only a few decades after the last Pagan Emperor, the heroic Julian, bit the dust, something that the remaining Pagans were not slow to point out. Whoops! How to explain? Well, Rome was paying for it's sins - etc, etc... hence the 'decadent' theory. The real reasons are extremely comlex, but Edward Gibbon in 'The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire' thought that Xstianity played a major part by its insistence that this world wasn't really important, and the sidetracking of thousands of ambitious young men into church careers rather than into the army defending the borders.

So if the Western world is on the point of collapse, which I doubt, the right wing fundies are far more of a threat than we who like to shag around a bit and drink beer.

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