You young people in your funny little colony don't know the meaning of casualties, war losses and so on. On the first DAY of the Battle of the Somme in 1916 Britain lost 20,000 dead - I think the Yanks lost around 55,000 in the ENTIRE Vietnam war - absolute peanuts. From the way you carry on about it you would think that such a minute number of dead was a big deal. When the RAF bombed Cologne, tens of thousands of civilians died in a night. I won't even mention what the Russians went through in the Second World war - about 20 MILLION I think it was, most of them civilians. It is no wonder that Americans have a penchant for starting wars all over the place - on a national level, you don't know, or have forgotten, what it is to suffer really heavy casualties. Until then you will continue to sneer at war-haters as crybabies. The real problem with Vietnam was that it was the Vietnamese, not the Americans, who had millions dead, not thousands. If this had been reversed you might finally have got the message into your thick heads and war-mongers like Bush would have 0 chance.