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GUEST,Pops Learning to finger pick (69* d) RE: Help: Learning to finger pick 28 Dec 04

Hi all - New to fingerpicking style - been playing since I was a kid - I use the word playing rather loosely - ( I-IV-V STUFF) - know a little bit of everything about guitar playing - but don't really play well - (for my own amusement- don't take much) ANYWAY - - I'm seeking some good information on learning to play in the fingerstyle manner - I've tryed a lot of different approaches with "little to no success" My PRIMARY problem is the same as everyone beginning this method I guess - My thumb wants to follow my fingers and my fingers want to follow my thumb - I can play tunes using either one - BUT - when I attempt to put them together - BOOM - all is lost - I have been told recently to practice ONLY WITH THE THUMB - (alternating bass patterns) and EVENTUALLY - when I add melody lines in with it - the thumb will continue its thing - (hard to believe) Others say to practice from the beginning using both the thumb and the fingers - no matter how slow ???? Plain and simple - What's is the best way to train the thumb and fingers to do their independent thing - I'm sure somebody out there can HELP ME - HELP ME - HELP ME - I have a lot of patience and really love music - so you can bet I'll stick to a training method that is offered to me. Thanking all in advance -

                              Fingerpicker Want-a-be

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