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Ooh-Aah2 Birmingham play closed by mob (174* d) RE: Birmingham play closed by mob 29 Dec 04

I agree with just about all of your last post CarolC (hooray!) There are infinite shades of grey between the extreme lberal/secular and pure religious viewpints, in induviduals as well as in the broader picture, and Gandhi IS an good example (not many purely religious leaders have invented an effective composting toilet as he did!)
   However the basic point of this thread is concerned with
the reaction of religious people to criticisms of their religions, from inside or out. In these circumstances the secular values (free speech being no. 1) imperfectly attained by the West during the enlightenment after years of struggle and many deaths, stand as an anchor and a base standard, and are justly admired by progressive people all over the world. They have nothing to do with Jesus - when his religion was completely unchallenged in the Middle Ages we all know the complete tyranny of faith over reason and free speech that resulted.

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