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Justin Poems of A.A.Milne Set to Music/Christopher Robin (118* d) RE: Poems of A.A.Milne Set to Music 02 Oct 97


Because I'm on the Program Committee of the Princeton (NJ) Folk Music Society, I receive a lot of demo tapes & CD's. I have one from a Daniel and Jennifer Trueman that has six A.A, Milne songs set to music. "Sand Between My Toes" "Middle Ages" "There Is a House Where I Go" "Spring Morning" and "Lisa Jane's Cradle Song". I don't want to have to transcribe all of the lyrics, but for more info you can scan our PFMS web page and contact our webmaster, Hannah Kaufman. She's the one who passed the CD on to me. It was self-produced in Cincinnati by Dan Trueman whose address is not on the liner notes.

It's actually a pretty good CD, by the way. Very professional musicianship, and Jennifer's voice is very nice. I assume that the music to the Milne lyrics was by the Truemans. There are no credits on the liner.

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