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GUEST,Duncan Other parting songs? (56* d) RE: Other parting songs? 10 Feb 05

You ask...'What strange, not-quite-parting songs have you heard or done at the end of a set?' folk-rock band played all our usual Trad and Trad-like numbers all evening at our local last week as a farewell
to the departing landlady, Jude.
She had given us our first ever 'proper' gig back in '02.
As a second encore I launched, unrehearsed, into 'Hey Jude' - not our usual fare!
The whole pub was soon singing right along.
The band cracked into life having been caught on the hop initially (they'd no idea beforehand)
Jude herself was propelled up to the microphone to join in and the band soon walked off one by one
- right out of the pub to the seats outside! - where we sat and listened to the mass singing
'Nah, nah, nah, na na na nah.....!' for a full two minutes on their own.

Not quite a parting song before - but it is now, for those that were there. Twas magic! Thanks Jude, bon chance!
Cheers - Duncan McFarlane

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