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GUEST,Barrie Roberts Origins: Whiskey In The Jar (174* d) RE: Origins: Whiskey In The Jar 15 Feb 05

Somewhere back in the Dark Ages --- about 1957, when BBC Radio still had serious programmes about folkmusic --- I heard an American 'Whiskey in the Jar' with an odd last verse:

That night Sir Humphrey Gilbert was looking for a crew,
The Queen said, 'Here's two robbers. spared their lives to sail with you'.
Young Willie and the pedlar swore allegiance on her name
To be contented with their robbing from the Spaniard on the Main.

This verse appeared after the hero's arrest. the 'pedlar' had not previously appeared in the lyric.

Is this a chunk from a signficantly different narrative, or even a different song about two different people?

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