I've recently been borrowing some of the old records from our local library. They've actually got a pretty good collection of some folkways recordings. But it never fails,when I check them out,I always get that look & the same comment,"We haven't had anyone borrow these in years". I've spent the past few months converting my vinyl over to cd,so it's given me the chance to listen again to music I haven't heard for awhile. It's been great to be able to hear artists like Hedy West,Ola Belle Reed,Barbara Dane,Mark Spolstra again. Speaking of Barbara Dane. The record album I'm hoping someday to stumble across at an affordable price is her album called "Barbara Dane Sings The Blues". I've seen it come up for sale a couple of times on Gemm,but the price is way out of my range. Smithsonian/Folkways has a copy of the recording for sale, but I'd really like to run across that yard sale bargain vinyl for 5 bucks someday. DB.