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GUEST,Arke Lyr Req: The Baby-O (Jimmie Driftwood) (31) Lyr Add: RATTLESNAKE MOUNTAIN (Jimmy Driftwood) 22 Mar 05

And now:

Rattlesnake Mountain
By Jimmy Driftwood

On Rattlesnake me-y-Mountain I did dwe-y-well
And I heard a ste-y-story I'm gonna te-y-tell.
Come a-ru-di-ru-di-ru.

A nice young me-y-man in the month of me-y-May
Went down to the fe-y-field for to mow his a-he-y-hay.
Come a-ru-di-ru-di-ru.

He had not mow-y-wowed around the fe-y-field
Till a rattle-come-a-sne-y-snake and bit him on the he-y-heel
Come a-ru-di-ru-di-ru.

He cried, "Little be-y-bird, go tell my ge-y-gal
I'm a-rattlesnake be-y-bit and I need my se-y-Sal.
Come a-ru-di-ru-di-ru.

Oh, the bird did fle-y-fly and spread the nu-y-news
And a-here come se-y-Sally without her shu-y-shoes.
Come a-ru-di-ru-di-ru.

"Oh Johnny de-y-dear, why did you go-y-go
Into the fe-y-field the hay for to mo-y-mow?"
Come a-ru-di-ru-di-ru.

"Oh Sally de-y-dear, I thought you kno-y-knowed
When the hay gets a-re-ri-ripe its got to be mo-y-mowed."
Come a-ru-di-ru-di-ru.

"Oh Johnny de-y-dear, I'll save your le-y-life
If I may be-y-be your sweet little we-wi-wife."
Come a-ru-di-ru-di-ru.

She grabbed his le-y-leg and made him sque-y-weel
And sucked the poison b-y-blood all out of his he-y-heel.
Come a-ru-di-ru-di-ru.

Come all young me-y-men and a warning te-y-take
Don't ever get be-y-bit by a rattle-copper sne-y-snake.
Come a-ru-di-ru-di-ru.

When a rattle snake be-y-bites it hurts like a kne-y-knife
When a woman be-y-bites you're bit for the rest of you life.
Come a-ru-di-ru-di-ru.

I can't promise this is 100% as Jimmy sang it, but it should be close.

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