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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted ADD: Electrified Donkey (3) Lyr Add: ELECTRIFIED DONKEY 12 Oct 97

I am looking for the recording and/or lyrics to the song
As I remember, (it was 30 years ago), the song began

I bought me a donkey about four feet tall,
Ploughed my cotton in the early fall,
Running round was quite a sin
I had to build a fence to keep my donkey in.

I rigged up a fence with a battery charge,
To keep my donkey from running at large...

Its chorus was:
Which way did my donkey go,
Please St. Peter don't say no,
Haven't seen my donkey since,
He backed into that electrified fence.

I heard the song on a 45 that I think had T. Texas Tyler singing Deck of Cards, and about 7 other songs by various artists.

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