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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
darkriver Lyr Req: Madame Sosthene / Sosthène / Sothene (10) RE: Lyr Req: 'Madame Sosthene' [or Sothene] 06 Dec 99


Thank you! That was fast! I do understand what you wrote. The info about the uncertainty of Cajun lyrics is new to me (shows you how much I know, even though I've enjoyed listening and dancing to the music for years).

Are there some printed sources about this musical style? As I wrote up at the top of the thread, I haven't had much luck with the Internet or with my local library. If I knew the names of some of the Cajun-music researchers, I might have more success. Anyone got some names? I'll publish whatever I find to this or another thread.

Again, thanks.

doug (the 'darkriver' is just a login name, that's all)

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