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GUEST,Barrie Roberts Lyr Req: Songs about boxing or prizefighting (106* d) Lyr Add: THE BALLAD OF LES DARCY 10 Apr 05

Then there's 'THE BALLAD OF LES DARCY'. LD was an Aussie, who allegedly removed himself to the USA to avoid the call-up for WWI. He died after a fight in Memphis and legend says that the Us autopsy said natural causes but the Australian one said poison.

In Maitand Cemetery
Lies poor Les Darcy,
Australia's bonny boy,
His mother's pride and joy.
Oh the Yanks called him a skiter,
But he proved himself a fighter,
So they killed him, yes they killed him,
Down in Memphis, Tennessee.

THe critics by the score,
Said they had never saw
A boy like Les before
Upon the stadium floor.
All I think of each night
Is to see Les Darcy fight,
How he beats'em, simply eats 'em
Every Saturday night.

Repeat first verse.

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