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GUEST,Sally BS: Walmart: Union-Busting SOP (161* d) RE: BS: Walmart: Union-Busting SOP 15 Apr 05

I thought it would be crazy for Mr. Scott to utter facts that aren't actual facts in his Calif. speech, as many W-M haters are listening and hoping to "get him," but I'll do as you say and will attempt to find an outside W-M source for respsonding to your questions. I think you're a smart man--articulate and fair to provide sources of info--but could you please be a little less sarcastic. It would be more pleasant. To others: I've been known to utter expletives myself, mostly in the confines of my home, but it's best to leave the crude stuff out of this as well. And BTW, I'm pretty much a bleeding heart liberal Ron. Give me your source on the welfare thing about some of the W-M employees. What about welfare people at other companies? And I'm did this website get started. I just saw BS W-M when I looked up Thomas M. Coughlin, and decided to jump in. Anyone?

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