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GUEST,mick BS: Good Riddance to Trimble (58* d) RE: BS: Good Riddance to Trimble 09 May 05

Daintey Davey blamed republicans for his downfall on the BBC today.They didn't fully embrace the spirit of the Good Friday Agreement apparantly .It's sad to hear him speaking of the Agreement as the high point of his career ; I can't remember any other time post 1999 when Davey spoke so favourably of it .He was urged to do so on countless occasions but was too busy trying to ward off attacks from the DUP and the right wing within his own party to embrace it and "come out fighting for it".
The people I feel sorry for are the unionists who voted pro agreement but were served so badly by their leaders. Many of these voters would have found themselves with nobody to vote for last week. And so now they find themselves landed with Paisley.

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