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Reiver 2 Lyr Add: The Ferryman (Pete St. John) (30) RE: LYR ADD: The Ferryman 17 May 05

Thanks Maureen and Martin. Now at least I have some idea of what the fountain looks like. (The entire link is fun!) I'm also glad to know that the Floozie is no longer on O'Connell Street. (Not that I think Phoenix Park is either a better or worse location, but just that I won't spend hours looking in the wrong place when I visit again.) I was there, looking at the Tart, Dan O'Connell, the GPO, etc. in Sept. 2001. Had sweet Anna Liffey/Livia, aka the Floozie, already been moved from O'Connell St. at that time, I wonder? Maybe that's why I didn't see her.

Reiver 2

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