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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted Lyr Req: Apple-Tree Wassail (from Watersons) (19) Tune Add: SOMERSET WASSAIL 13 Dec 99

Yes it is the somerset tune
that goes with it-
its not the best abc but
here is the Somerset in abc...
(the new oxford carol book has several parts..)
but the main part to listen for is the
its our wassail
its your wassail...

T:Wassail, O Wassail all over the town! #158
T:(The Somerset Wassail)
S:New Oxford Book of Carrols #158
||:F2|(F2d2)c2_B2|(A4G2) F2|(F2G2)A2_B2|c6:| c2(d2_B2)_e2d2|c4A2A2|(_B2A
2) G2|A2|_B4(A2_B2)|
(c2f2)d2_B2|c4 (_B2A2) G2F2 A2G2F6

or is it?
I have been bathing my ears in wassail song types
for the last few hours- you should not do this while
sober. I am sure that with a few wassails I shall
be able to untangle the ears!
Thanks for the help!

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