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GUEST,mick where's Charlie Drake these days?? (49) RE: where's Charlie Drake these days?? 24 May 05

Hello there my darlings.
I seem to remember Charlie getting kicked out of equity for breaking a BBC strike . He was the only member of the union to appear on the weekly vatiety show "Sunday Night at the London Palladium" during a dispute in the sixties The show lasted for an hour and Charlie did everything on it:he was the compere ,did a bit of magic ,sang and danced ,slapsticking his way to the end of the show, at which point, he fell off the stage and into the musicianless orchestra pit to great applause . But it wasn't part of the act ;he had indeed broken his leg .He was blacklisted by Equity after that and didn't get work on the TV until the seventies.
My memory is a bit hazy on this so don't take what I say for definite .It's interesting that this thread was started the day after the BBc went on strike though. Something subconcious in Bugsy's memory stirring ?
I never was a fan myself ;the only thing of his I ever liked was "Please Mr Custer , I don't wanna go" Does anyone remember the words by any chance?

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