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s6k Mark Knopfler Men Arena Manchester 26 May (45) RE: Mark Knopfler Men Arena Manchester 26 May 27 May 05

the tickets were £35 or £30 each from the arena - and I got mine for £80 for 2 from eBay which was excellent, as the seats were amazing - first block at the right side of the stage, totally clear view and didnt even need binoculars! but i used them anyway and could easily see which pickup he was using on each song, etc.

where was you sat bigfolker?? (PS - did you see the loonies at the front row doing mad dances throughout the show that werent even in time with any of the songs??!!!!)

it was truly an excellent show - and the sound was crystal clear, we got some amazing pictures with a friends digital camera, notably one where he looked over at us with his arm in the air and a big smile - great photo! ill get it on my website and link you.

great support from richard bennett (bozouki!), guy fletcher, glen wolf, etc.

i loved it and will definately go to the next one.

i agree with you bigfolker - all that matters is a great song and the performance last night beat the studio version for me! its on the new album.

all in all - brilliant and im still smiling from it now. the mans a genius. i think my highlight was either romeo & juliet (huge applause at the opening arpeggio) or brothers in arms - just cos its my fave song. i gained a new love for "done with bonaparte" also - never really noticed it on golden heart album before, but when they played it last night i got very into it, and love it now.

Make no mistake Grab - you will love your birmingham show! id love to see him again.
i got a tshirt, 80 pictures, and a night i wont forget in a hurry

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