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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
s6k Omigod! Pink Floyd reform!! (24) RE: Omigod! Pink Floyd reform!! 15 Jun 05

for the uninitiated, Pink Floyd never split up, it was just that ROger Waters left, and then tried to stop the others using the name.
But, in a quote by Gilmour, he and Waters state that any arguments between them (they havent spoken for 20 years) is absolutely petty compared to what Live 8 is trying to do.

Waters said "the cynics will scoff... screw em" - which is what i say to anyone who has the audacity to come on this thread and say they shouldnt be doing this.

Firstly, to FLoyd fans, this is a dream come true and something we thought would NEVER happen. This is the lineup that recorded Wish You Were Here, Dark Side OF The Moon, Animals, and The Wall. This is the best news we could ever have hoped for

But secondly and most importantly. why are they reforming the lineup to do this? TO RAISE AWARENESS OF LIVE 8 AND RAISE MONEY FOR AFRICA.
for gods sake, people come on here and say they are sellouts etc, just use your brain... pink floyd, one of THE biggest groups of all time.. and one of the BIGGEST rivalries between Waters and Gilmour.... as if reforming this original lineup wasnt enough to make over half the population ecstatic enough, but the fact that this 20 year feud can be put aside as it is so pathetic compared to the suffering in africa - this is an inspiration to me, and i would have hoped to everyone else.

if you dont like the fact they're reforming, fine, but dont come on here spouting your crap. the fact is - this raises awareness so much more, and gets more people involved in the african struggle, and it is more than any of you negative posters will EVER do in your entire lives, so get a grip and leave us fans to enjoy the show, as we most CERTAINLY will

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