i will paste a simpler way to make the blue clicky. go to the website you wish to include as a blue clicky. in the address bar, click once and the entire address should highlight blue right click it while it is highlighted blue, click copy come to the mudcat window where you are typing your message. underneath the text, click "Make a Link (blue clicky)" a new window will pop up. where it says LINK URL - right click in the text bit and click paste. it will paste the address you copied earlier. now click in LINK TEXT and type in what you want - for example, if you type in VIDEO PAGE, then the words video page will appear in the message, but you will be able to click it and go to that link. IGNORE the bottom 2 fields (mailto and link text) and click create link under where you just made it. the page reloads and a mass of text appears. click and DRAG (hold down mouse and pull across the text) across the text underneath where it says "cut and paste this into post" they will all start with a < and end with > so make sure you get these in.now right click it, as it will be highlighted blue. and right click... copy... then come back to your mudcat message and right click paste into this text box. then submit message as usual done