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s6k Glastonbury Roundup (17) RE: Glastonbury Roundup 26 Jun 05

hi again, im not there (sadly - even though its muddy as hell!) but i have been glued to the screen, madly flicking between bbc2 and 3, and the 2 other options on freeview.

my god, John Giok, how could i forget KT TUnstall ! i was lucky to have been flicking through channels at the time, and on the "more bands 2" option on freeview, it said "next - kt tunstall" now, i'd got her album, not expecting much, but it was brilliant! so i watched her, and it was good enough to show you about 6 songs from her, she was fantastic. i especially like "black horse and the cherry tree"
yes, you should all check out this girl, she is very good. although one thing, on her album, it is mainly acoustic, at Glastonbury, there were backing musicians, including a guitarist who kept sticking his nose in playing crappy solo bits with distortion in most of the songs... nearly spoiled it. but he did do one song good, with the slide.

i will also mention Keane, who i really like, they have a great album, and played a very good set. saw most of it in bits over freeview, my favourite song is "Everybody's Changing" which i finally got to see at about 1am this morning.

And a final mention to BBC4 who played an hours worth of Baaba Maal on the Jazz World Stage last night at 11.30 - some really good stuff, they were all great on the drums and respective instruments. it made a nice change from seeing a days worth of rock and what-have-you.

for me, if i went to glastonbury, i would probably go see about 3 well known artists, but id spend the rest of my time going to see all the people you dont know about, the african artists, and all the other stuff going on at the festival. its a chance to hear music that is very hard to hear and get hold of in england. this IMO is time better spent than the hordes of people who go to see all the popular bands.

i agree with the above Richard Bridge, Babyshambles were indeed rubbish, i dont see the appeal myself, and i am sick to death of seeing Kaiser Chiefs! every time i turned the channel, they was on!!!! there should be more coverage of the acoustic and world music stages in my opinion

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