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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
s6k BS: Is William Shatner Shat ????? (23) BS: Is William Shatner Shat ????? 10 Jul 05

personally i'd say no. the mans a ledge-end. a sucksessful actor, with some classic 20x plattinum albums under his belt. he can do no wrong.

he is also in a new addvert, for mcdonalds i think, maybe not, but its some shat advert, and william shatner is behind the counter, and 2 people coem to the counter, and they see its william shatner behind the counter, and they say, "william shatner!!!!!!!!" and he says "thats right" and some other stuff.

its a good advert, watch it.

william shatner doesnt get enough respect on this message bored. it is time we respected him fully for his acomplishments

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