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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
s6k BS: PayPal. The Bank from Hell (58* d) RE: BS: PAYPAL. THE BANK FROM HELL. 12 Jul 05

PayPal is EXCELLENT, the best way of trading money with someone instantly over the internet.
i have been able with paypal to buy dvds, cds, etc from america, jamaica, germany, etc, that you simply CAN NOT buy in the UK.

Paypal has without a doubt made my life better. also if you use it in conjunction with eBay it is excellent as you get a receipt by email saying how much you have given someone or what they have given you, therefore if you are ripped off on ebay (very unlikely) you can prove you are right.

i think its good theyre making you verify yourself by putting the amounts in. when i first joined, they put 2 small amounts in my account too. and i will admit, they pissed me off, because they took about 4 weeks for me, but now i am on, i can forgive them

as for why are they doing this to you, well, maybe you selected a personal acccount instead of a business account - the business account is unlimited.

the title of this message is false advertising and slander because youre not happy with them, maybe they will see this thread and sue you!

im sure youll agree this is better than having some hacker steal all your money and bank details

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