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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
s6k BS: Garden Gnomes Will Take Over (104* d) BS: GARDEN GNOMES WILL TAKE OVER 15 Jul 05

you think theyre cute, funny, good decoration. and that they not human, and have been created in a factory


thats what they wanted you to believe, they are real, and they take the form of a finely crafted ornament for the garden. then you acquire some, and all they do, is they will sit around in the garden all day, pretending to be fishing and what not, but really, they are gathering intelligence.

The Gnome alliance now has information on almost every home in the world, and they are planning a strike.

Dont say you werent warned. when the gnomes try to take over what they believe to be theirs.

just go outside and look into the eyes of your gnomes. THEY ARE EVIL. THEY WANT TO KILL YOU. THEY DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR GARDEN.

get rid of them now, stand on them, burn them, smash them, ANYTHING, just get rid, BEFORE ITS TOO LATE

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