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GUEST,mark gregory Obit: Denis Kevans-Australia's 'Poet Lorikeet' (37) RE: Obit: Denis Kevans-Australia's 'Poet Lorikeet' 01 Sep 05

Maree and I were very upset to hear of Denis' death while we
are in Tokyo on a research project.

We both have known him for the biggest part of out lives and have many
memories of him over the years. Denis, a unique poet, was often simply
astonishing in performance. Who could forget his Concreto at the Chris
Kempster tribute concert at New Theatre?

Recently I have been immersed in the study of Australian Union Songs.
Denis was not just a fount of information in my chosen topic but a
most important composer of the material I was trying to grapple with,
In every decade from the 1950s Denis wrote dozens of poems and songs
that fitted my brief, the songs and poetry of the Australian labour
movement. Denis was a particularly strong presence in the Mountains
and it is hard to accept not being able to see him.

Mark Gregory and Maree Delofski

btw there is a very detailed article about Denis in the lates Workers Online at

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