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s6k Review: The Blues by Martin Scorsese (BBC2) (22) RE: Review: The Blues by Martin Scorsese (BBC2) 03 Oct 05

i saw these when they were on BBC4, and then bought the DVD Box Set

im glad theyre now on BBC2 as more people will know be able to watch them and know about them, they're all brilliant programmes, my favourite is the first one, Salif Keita's performance of Ana Na Ming was just amazing, as were Corey Harris and Keb Mo's Sweet Home Chicago, not to mention Corey Harris' version of Dark was the night, cold was the ground.

be sure to see them all, they are a brilliant collection of episodes.

PS, for the guest who said -
"Scorsese doesn't know jack shit about the blues"

Scorsese has been, apart from a brilliant film director, a huge fan of blues music since he was in nappies i presume. He has an extensive blues collection including many extremely rare recordings and such. He does know his stuff, and I will bet he knows a hell of a lot more than you do who can only post idiotic statements of things you know nothing about onto an internet message board

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