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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Jimbob Lyr Req: Deep Elm Blues (13) RE: Lyr Req: Deep Elm Blues 29 Oct 05

Version I know from Tennesee

When you go down to Deep Ellem,
To have a little fun,
have your 10 dollars ready,
when the policeman comes

Oh, sweet mama, your daddys got them deep ellem blues
Oh, sweet mama, your daddys got them deep ellem blues

Once I had a girl,
she meant the world to me,
she went down to deep ellem,
now she aint what she used to be.

Oh, sweet mama, your daddys got them deep ellem blues
Oh, sweet mama, your daddys got them deep ellem blues

Once I knew a preacher,
preached the bible pure and true
he went down to deep ellem,
now his preachin' days are through

Oh, sweet mama, your daddys got them deep ellem blues
Oh, sweet mama, your daddys got them deep ellem blues

When you go down to deep ellem,
keep your money in your hand,
cause those girls there in deep ellem,
they dont give a man a chance

Oh, sweet mama, your daddys got them deep ellem blues
Oh, sweet mama, your daddys got them deep ellem blues

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