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GUEST, Lyr Add: Mrs Adlam's Angels (Ralph McTell) (23) Lyr Add: MRS ADLAM'S ANGELS (Ralph McTell) 07 Nov 05

I just heard this and this seems the only link to such a lovely song, so this is the definitive Ralph McTell transcription. Shame nobody has the chords.

Mrs. Adlam's Angels
(Ralph McTell)

Sundays as a rule, us kids went to Sunday school,
And, Mrs Adlam said, angels stood round our bed.
To keep us safe from dark, right through till day begun,
And we used to to lie awake, just to try and see one.
And though we never saw one anywhere,
We heard them softly singing in the air

Sundays occasionally, we were invited back for tea,
And bread with jam and cream, made Sundays seem a dream.
In the dingy Mission Hall, Mrs. Adlam praying,
And down the street back home, all our mates were playing.
With Mrs.Adlam's angels everywhere,
And we thought we saw a halo in her hair.

Sundays for sure, ain't like that any more,
It's getting hard for me, to see her face in front of me.
I wonder if her angels have their arms around her curled,
They're keeping her safe from life,
and guarding her from the world.
On a Summer Sunday evening, do I dare,
to hear Mrs. Adlam's angels in the air?

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