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Martin _Ryan Loss of all hands in the irish sea (53* d) Lyr Add: THE LOSS OF THE EVELYN MARIE^^ 14 Jan 00

I mentioned the "Evelyn Marie" earlier in this thread. When I check, I find she went down twenty five years ago, almost to the day. Here's the song:


It's mournful to tell you a story so sad
It's about a new trawler and the equipment she had
It was was fitted with rudder and lifeboats for the sea
It was blessed for the ocean, the Evelyn Marie

There was six gallant fishermen, men of the sea
Qualified skippers, her nets to set free
They'd fish the wild ocean in every degree
In this beautiful trawler, the Evelyn Marie

They fished the wild ocean, North, East and West
They sold off their catches at the port that was best
And then they were happy going right back to sea
In this beautiful trawler , the Evelyn Marie

They guided this trawler for one year and some days
What ill fate befell them within the freak waves
A call to their comrades "Mayday at the sea
Assist us this moment with the Evelyn Marie"

"Assistance now coming - Summer Star and its crew"
Saying "With God's help we'll make it, your trawler is new"
A disaster it was then - they just saw her stern
As she sank near the rocks outside Rathlin O'Beirne

Come all you good people, I ask one and all
Pray for the fisherman who are off Donegal
Pray for the six skippers who are lost out at sea
In the ill-fated trawler, the Evelyn Marie


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