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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
mooman BS: New Years Resolutions? (47) RE: BS: New Years Resolutions? 01 Jan 06

1. To continue to make a lot more music in various genres
2. To continue to meet lots more 'Catters and enjoy their company
3. To continue my philosophy of tolerance and acceptance
4. To not react at all to Martin Gibson's self-opinionated and ill-willed nonsense on this forum in future, even when sorely tempted to do so



(European, long-haired, non-bluegrass playing, non-Chicago-dwelling (toughest city in the world my arse and I have visited severak times), hippie, non-dope smoking, combat trouser and Doc Martin wearing, left-wing, liberal, tollllllerant, Korean guitar-playing, shit-for-brains... yet somehow still managing to make a reasonable living, pseudo-Buddhist, vegetarian no-hoper)

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