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mooman Your First Guitar/Instrument (89* d) RE: Your First Guitar/Instrument 05 Jan 06

Guitars: Dallas > Eko Ranger > Framus Nashville + Hofner Senator > Guild D25 > Manson Kingfisher > "Japanese" (1983) Lowden > Lakewood Custom M18 + Regal RC 1 + Korean luthier-made jazz archtop ( current guitars - the last one is the one I use the most)

Mandolins: My father's Portuguese mandolin + banjo mandolin > Martin A-style > Chris Eccleshall A5 > Gideon Weigert mandolin + Gideon Weigert tenor mandola (current instruments)

Other mandolin family: John Roberts bouzouki > John Le Voi OM > Paul Hathway OM > Terry Dochert OM (current instrument)

Banjos: Kay 4-string G banjo > John Grey Tenor > Vega N-style tenor > Abbott tenor > Lyon & Healy tenor > Deering Goodtime tenor (current instrument)

Percussion: Assorted bodhrans > full Meinl latin percussion set + cheap but good 14" Malachy Kearns bodhran + numerous ethnic drums (current instruments)

Woodwind + lung driven: Overton G whistle > Chieftain D whistle + Riccardo Von Vitorelli boxwood D flute (current instruments>

Many other interestings and exotics passed through my hands when I owned an acoustic musical instrument shop some time back but the above are what I actually owned myself or that I now have. I'm down from a high of about 38 intruments in the house to the above current ones and my GAS/MAS/IAS has finally been cured!



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