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GUEST,JAME Lyr Req: Desert Silver Blue? / Desert Silvery Blue (49) RE: Lyr Req: Desert Silvery Blue (Badger Clark) 16 Jan 06

As far as I know, a version of this song still concludes every campfire on the Prarie Trek and Torquise Trail Expeditions run by the Cottonwood Gulch Foundation (, founded 1926. The lyrics I know are:

Desert silvery blue beneath the pale moonlight,
Coyotes yappin' lonely on the hill,
Sleepy winks of light along the far skyline
Time for millin' cattle to be still.

So, now, the lightning's far away,
The coyote's nothin' skeery,
Just singin' to his dearie.
Yo, ho, tomorrow's a holiday,
So settle down your cattle 'til the mornin'.

Nothin' out there on the plains that you folks need,
Nothin' out there seems to catch your eye.
Still, you'd better watch 'em or they'll all stampede,
Plungin' down some 'rroyo bank to die.

So, now, the lightning's far away,
The coyote's nothin' skeery,
Just singin' to his dearie.
Yo, ho, tomorrow's a holiday,
So settle down your cattle 'til the mornin'.

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