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Piers Nazi hate-music (116* d) RE: Nazi hate-music 25 Jan 06

Sorry to invade your cosy world Badger, but I think that it is not allowing them a 'platform', ignoring them and not even trying to understand their racism and totalitarianism that allows their proponents to flourish. In order to counter racist and fascist ideas, we have to know what they are and engage with them.

This article highlights just some of the illusions they are under: that of governments controlled by zionists, that of social workers telling people what to think, etc. The article also makes evident that whilst the BNP may no logner have swastikas tattooed on their heads and instead wear suits and ties, the political content of their philosophy is much the same as it ever was. They may not chant about the superiority of the Aryan race and blood and honour, but if they have their way anyone who doesn't stand up, or look like they won't stand up, behind the Butcher's Apron is in for a rough time.

I think the point is to argue racism and fascism out of existence. It won't go away if you ignore it. This is because it is not some abstract idea, it is rooted everyday living. Housing, healthcare, basic amenities are harder to come by the less money you have, jobs go to those willing to work for less. Though official racism is long dead, the philosophy of boss, church and state maintains that your self-interest lies within national boundaries, Britain (or wherever you live) comes first - boss and worker, tennant and landlord together united. It is, of course, the old divide and rule strategy. The racists put two and two together and make seven: not enough houses, too many people; not enough jobs, too many people - and that lot over there, with the coloured skin and smelly food, they're not from around here, it must be there fault. Of course, before the migrants arrived there weren't enough houses and jobs, in areas where there are few migrants there aren't enough houses and jobs, but the racists won't see that. For the racist it is nothing to do with the capitalism that everywhere creates scarcity, competition and depends upon setting workers against each other to prevent them uniting against their capitalism. Racism and fascism is the philosophy of desparation, it is to seek false-security in artificially constructed racial, national or cultural groups, its breeding ground is powerlessness, alienation and poverty.

I think we need more articles like the one that started this thread and more discourse with, and about, fascists and racists. Flush racist ideas out into the open and pick 'em off one by one.

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