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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Windsinger Earworm (40) Earworm 01 Mar 06

SOURCE: the German Ohrwurm
ALTERNATE NAMES: "repetunitis", "melodymania"

DESCRIPTION: A degenerative condition which occurs when a certain song burrows into your brain like one of those slithery parasites from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, and proves about as easy to dislodge.


-Try to drive it out with a second, equally annoying song -- as suggested by the folks at Maim That Tune.
-Try to transmit the pest to another host. (WARNING: this may just lead to hearing the song in stereo.)
-Forget it and resign yourself to your fate.

So how about it? What tunes loop themselves around YOUR cerebral cortex in this horrible fashion?

With me, right now it's "Barrett's Privateers"....THANKS A #%#!ED LOT, SEAMUS!



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