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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Windsinger BS: Birdwatching Challenge (382* d) RE: BS: Birdwatching Challenge 03 Mar 06

OK, this morning's first feeding shift just ended.

The seed-stations are pretty close to our sliding glass door, and the customers are used to me, so I was able to get pretty close. Not close enough to see any yellow eye-patches; but enough to see that some of the stripe-headed sparrows have white bibs, and some do not, or at least not a very pronounced one.

So if the "bibs" are white-throated, the "no-bibs" must be either white-crowned, swamp, or song sparrows. (Swamp is definitely possible, there are wetlands around here.)

There'll probably be one more shift before I go to work. Will try to get another squint before I post my 2006 list.



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