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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Windsinger BS: God Hates Shrimp (54* d) RE: BS: God Hates Shrimp 07 Mar 06


Believe me, I'm familiar with their multiple sites. In fact, Phelps has been trying to buy up just about everything that begins "".   He might have even launched "" to gloat after Katrina, had a shrewd New Orleans native not preempted him by registering the domain first (and promptly configuring it to redirect people back to the Red Cross site. Smart.)

As for being "single-mindless" :) ...well, even the "godhatesamerica" site goes back to the same tired obsession. I.e., that "God hates America" BECAUSE the country's increasing tolerance towards gays.

Which is the twisted logic that's been leading them to picket funerals of soldiers from the Iraq conflict, the Sago mine disaster -- things that have NOTHING to do with support of gay rights.

It makes you wonder; anyone harboring that much of an obsession, must be repressing some pretty sordid memories...



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