Clinton, Yeah, :) I ran across a few of your "experiences" while doing an archive-search (didn't want to through this topic out there if it was of zero interest, after all.) Groan. I'm sorry you seem to have run into so many asshats. I've lived and "played" across a wide geographic area, though, and have found that much of that ashattery is region-dependent. The SCA of Ontario, for example, is GREAT. I haven't met a single one of their members that I wouldn't gladly invite to crash on my couch. They seem to have the best combination of relaxed, grounded, scholarly AND fun-loving going, out of the whole group internationally. (Best part: once the fire's lit, they'll sing till sunup. And sing WELL.) Oh well. It's been a pretty reliable musical venue for me, if nothing else. Slán, ~Fionn