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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Windsinger BS: Reenactors vs. Mere Loonies (57* d) RE: BS: Reenactors vs. Mere Loonies 15 Mar 06

most of the CW guys thought the SCA was a great source of laughs.

Scoville, this is because Civil War and Revolutionary reenactment groups are just that: reenactment groups. Strictly academic in nature, re-creating actual historical events.

The SCA (by contrast) was founded by a bunch of students at Berkeley campus in 1966, who were holding a medieval-themed birthday party for a friend. So some of the energy that went into that first "event" is evident in the group to this day: loose, unscripted and improvised.

Having said that, we do sport a pretty wide grab-bag of personalities.    You have your "serious" authenticists, who are the spiritual cousins of the CW/Revolutionary people. You get the party crew, who are there for titties and beer. You get New-Age types, jocks, artisans, and in some cases the leftover odds and ends of other subcultures...

But in between those extremes, you do have a fair spectrum of "normal" people who just love the time period and want to know more about it.



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