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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
freightdawg Obit: Buck Owens (1929-2006) (33) RE: Obit: Buck Owens 25 Mar 06

Its kind of funny, but I always viewed Buck Owens as Roy Clark's sidekick. Clark was the far better musician, and I felt he had a better voice. However, what Owens did have was a sincerity about his music that is sadly missing today. In some ways he was like Johnny Cash in that respect, but once again, he did not attain to Cash's stature.

We need more Buck Owens' today who will sing with their heart and stand up to the Nashville cookie-cutter approach to producing music. What Buck Owens was able to accomplish along with Roy Clark and the cast of Hee Haw will probably be never seen again. As Owens said in the article that Gnu made the blue clicky for, Hee Haw was just a fun show, with good music, and some really, really good entertainers.

Sad to see Buck Owens gone. However, the circle is getting bigger in heaven - Grandpa Jones, Gordie, LuLu, Minnie Pearl, Junior Sample - and I know I'm forgetting some others. What a show.


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