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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
freightdawg Obit: Buck Owens (1929-2006) (33) RE: Obit: Buck Owens 26 Mar 06

Gnu, I apologise for my distracting comments...I didn't intend to raise a ruckus. You did start this thread to pay tribute to Buck, and he was a fine singer, musician, and entertainer.

Growing up Hee Haw was a Saturday night staple at our house. It introduced me to many wonderful musicians that a kid way out in the sticks of the great southwest would otherwise never even have heard of. Buck Owens was a larger-than-life character. His songs from the heart were, and still are to me, what country music was all about.

Sandy said above, "The sad thing I find is that many of the country greats have passed on in recent years, but there is none to replace them. Most of the Nashville clones of today just do not compare." Amen, Sandy. And that is the finest eulogy we could give to Buck (and the many others mentioned). True talent can be imitated, but never duplicated.

Hopefully as the pendulum of culture swings back people will discover, or rediscover, the talents that Sandy laments. Until then at least we have our memories.


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