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AKS BS: seeing the Northern lights (53* d) RE: BS: seeing the Northern lights 05 Apr 06

In the North of Finland (and in Lapland) the AB (revontulet 'fox's fires') were believed to be sparks created by the Firefox's (tulikettu, a mythical creature) tail hitting the snow while it ran across the fjelds (barren arctic mountains) - I wonder how the inuits or northern indians call them...

If my memory serves ok, on the average in the South of F. (~ 60 degrees N) the AB are to be seen once in 10 days and in the North (~ 70 degrees N) every second day. At the Mediterranean 'level' (New York = Rome) they can be seen once in some ten years only.

There is a dispute here in Fennoscandia (laymen vs. scientists, roughly ) whether the AB could be - not only seen but - heard as well. There are numerous people who claim having heard them hiss / crackle or smthg. Are there similar ear witnesses in the North of the 'New World'?


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